Today we have another outing with Paul Coulter , as he shares with us his favorite drinks and mixers. The themers might be a bit easier to follow if we start with the Grid. As there are 4 pairs of related theme clues, I've shown the pairs here connected by red lines : The first answer set consists of four beverages, 3 alcoholic ( 1A , 5A , and 60A ) and one a mixer ( 45A ). These respective beverages are then "mixed" in anagrams embedded in 4 two word answers ( 46A , 27A , 17A , and 66A ). The anagrams don't seem to have any particular relationship to the drinks in the first set of clues, but EDAM cheese (in 46A ) might pair nicely with a CLARET ( 5A ). Paul, please feel free to stop by and comment if I'm missing something . Here are the paired theme clues: 1. Ancient beverage "mixed" in 46-Across : MEAD . A drink fermented from honey. Also the name of the famous anthropologist Margaret Mead, best known for her seminal book Coming ...