Thursday March 4, 2021 Bruce Haight

Today's puzzle was constructed by Bruce Haight . As an ophthalmologist, Bruce spends a lot of time staring intently into the faces of his patients. He experiences them FACE TO FACE , the theme of this puzzle. Like his experiences with his patients, this puzzle's themers are multi-layered: he first asks us to look at 4 common-place objects and phrases and then to take a closer look. We then see that these objects are word pairs consisting of 4 pairs of "FACE types". Let's take a look at each of the theme clues and answers and peel off some of their "makeup". It turns out there's a lot more here than meets the EYE : 17. Circuitous: ROUND ABOUT . ROUND ABOUTS are used to speed-up the flow of traffic at intersections, especially in major cities. Here is Washington State's illustrated MANUAL of rules for traversing ROUNDABOUTS (whatever happened to STOP on RED and GO on GREEN ?)....