Thursday, April 29, 2021 George Jasper

I reckon' that George Jasper has been ramblin' thru these parts at least since July 10, 1917 (blogged by our beloved Argyle) and today George treats us to a word scramble about Western drifters. Tumbling Tumbleweed By The Sons of the Pioneers We'll start with the reveal ... 58. Drifters in some Western scenes ... and a hint to what's hidden in the three other longest puzzle answers: TUMBLEWEEDS . And here are the scrambled answers 17. Wrongly-named winner in a 1948 headline: THOMA S DEWE Y . I remember it well - I was 17 months old at the time. And the real winner was HARRY S TRUMAN , and as we all know, the S doesn't stand for anything: 28. To the point: SHORT AN D SWEE T . For example Scottish Shortbread 44. Teamwork-inspiring motto: UNIT ED WE STAND . This t...