Wednesday, December 29, 2021, Debbie Ellerin
You Take the High Road And I'll Take the Low Road Today's constructor is Debbie Ellerin, who has published 24 puzzles on the Corner, starting on March 15, 2015. Her puzzles seem to be predominently themeless, but today her starred clues treat us to a WALK through a themed puzzle. 3D. *Delivery job not as common as it once was: PAPER ROUTE . My very first job was as a paper boy, circa 1960. Hand up if you delivered papers when you were a kid. 9D. *Computer storage device: USB DRIVE . Here Husker tells us that Debbie is a retired Computer Programmer . Perhaps she constructs crossword puzzles as a different way to DRIVE people crazy. I hope this one didn't affect you that way. 😆 31D. *Nostalgic locale: MEMORY LANE . Here's a trip down MEMORY LANE for you: Lyrics 38D. *...