Thursday, July 6, 2023 Ed Sessa
Forever Blowing Bubbles Today marks the 140th puzzle that Dr. Ed Sessa has constructed for us. Here's an email that Husker received from him on June 1, 2023 re his current plans ... Hi Gary, Thanks for asking. Penny and I traveled through northern Virginia trying to find a place, home or apartment that was somehow equidistant and closer to our kids but it was not to be for various reasons. All things considered we decided to stay in SW Florida, and will soon close on a home in Fort Myers. It's about 45 minutes from Sanibel so we can still maintain some friendships and connections from the past 20+ years and watch the island heal. We were very lucky that someone (turned out to be an ex-football player and contractor) bought what was left of our home, with plans to build an elevated home on the site. I appreciate all the work you and the whole crew do on the blog site - it must be a labor of love. If you are ever...