
Showing posts from March, 2024

Thursday, April 4, 2024,Rich Katz,Katy Steinmetz

 Food for Thought  Food is a problem in America: too much, not enough, or not getting to the right people: but thanks to one of our regular solvers  there's at least a partial solution to that last one, as we'll see at the end of this theme explanation.  Today's constructors are Rich Katz , who has constructor chops but is new to the Corner and Katy Steinmetz , a former journalist for Time Magazine .  I believe this may be Katy's debut in the LA Times at least, but if she is anything like her namesake Charles , we can expect her puzzle to be brilliant. Our constructors have stretched their clues into in the language idioms (no circles, no stars, and no reveal -- these fills are the 4 longest phrases, so these must be the themers right? ... 17A. "Let's pass on the supersize": NOT A BIG DEAL .  I was afraid that this South Park clip would be NSFC ("Not Suitable For  Crosswords"), but was relieved to find that it's ok.  It's really a s...

Thursday, March 28, 2024, Emma Lawson, Amie Walker

  WHAT COULD GO WRONG? Today's veteran constructors Emma Lawson and Amie Walke r present us with another vertical theme, sans circles or stars, but this one is a little dark. The reveal starts on the first row at 10D , so we know what's going on pretty much out of the gate ...  10. Creedence Clearwater Revival hit with the line "I see trouble on the way," or what can be found in three long Down entries: BAD MOON RISING .  A song all about what could go wrong -- this MOON is not only BAD , it's RISING ! (well maybe) ... Credence Clearwater Revival (things eventually went wrong with them) 8. Return correspondence?: RANS OM NO TE .  Clever clue, terrible business ... Kidnap and Ransom 18. Bella Hadid and Precious Lee, for two: FASHI ON MO DELS .  Fashion models with last name Hadid are becoming crosswordese -- last Thursday we had Gigi (see 59D), this week we have Bella ....

Thursday, March 21 2024, Robin Sears

    Upside Down Cakes Recipe I found this puzzle a little harder to solve than last week's, but at least the only round things in it are slices of pineapple (see recipe above). 😀  Today constructor Robin Stears returns after a 4 year absence to challenge us with a vertical theme .  These almost always have something to do with the order of the words or letters in the clue, which the reveal tells us ... 10. Desserts flipped after baking, and what can be found in the answers to the starred clues: UPSIDE DOWN CAKES .  Here are the themers, but you'll have to turn your head 90 degrees to the left to see the CAKE s in these fills ... 3D. *Act the mediator: SE EK A C OMPROMISE . Today this might be clued -- "Negotiation strategy now out of fashion". 8D. *Illinois alma mater of Ronald Reagan: EUR EKA C OLLEGE .  It is also the home of the Reagan Museum honori...