Thursday, September 5, 2024, Rebecca Goldstein

Bug Fixes Rebecca Goldstein's theme features don't exactly jump out at you ... She uses 4 cross references to another clue to identify the theme clues, a feature unpopular some solvers, some of whom might even call it 49D 😀. She uses mixed Across (1) and Down (3) clues ... ... here are the themers ... 49A. 58-Across of a social crafting event: QUILTING BEE . Here are two quilts made by Teri's sister Rose. Rose was formerly the seamstress for the Maryland Ballet Company ... 3D. 58-Across of some jeans: BUTTON FLY . I thought these went out of fashion after the publication of Erica Jong 's novel Fear of Fly ing (link rated PG13 😀). Button Fly Jeans 7D. 58-Across of the German auto industry: VW BEETLE . Over the years we had 5 of these -- 3 bugs and 2 vans. VW stopped making them after awhile, but they're back -- you just can't kill 'em ... 2024 VW Beetle 11D. 58-Across of 1990s rock: PAPA ROACH . Papa R...