
Showing posts from September, 2024

Thursday, October 10, 2024, Gary Larson

    An Ode to Dogs Gary Larson 's theme for this puzzle was service animals,  which all happen to be dogs. But let's face it -- have you ever seen a seeing eye cat? 😀.  Jimmy Stewart's famous Ode to Beau was probably my best option for a splash screen --  Old Shep  is a bit maudlin (but a favorite of my Dad's) and Who Let the Dogs Out  is positively manic.  No asterisks, no circles, no reveal -- just 5 punny clues that fill to a two word in the language phrase, the second word being a wet-nosed canine (see also 15A for a slobbering comic Easter Egg). The fills are illustrated here with definitions of the full phrase, followed by the canine ... 17A. Service animal for a heavy-metal musician?:  ROCK HOUND .  Someone who collects rocks and minerals.  For anyone with a passing interest in this subject I cannot recommend enough the Golden Nature Guide to  Rocks and Minerals by Herbert Zim .  This brief book ...

Thursday, October 3, 2024, Katherine Simonson

  IT DEPENDS ON HOW YOU SLICE IT (see also 35D) Today's constructor Katherine Simonson makes her LAT debut with 4 across theme clues identified only by trailing question marks.  The clues are all references to countries, but they don't make a whole lot of sense and the two word fills don't make any sense either -- but on closer inspection the second word can be combined with a word embedded at the end of the first fill to make an in the language phrase. Here are the themers ... 17. Warmup bands from Casablanca?:  MOROC CAN OPENERS .  This one did make a bit of sense -- here's Ilsa  and Sam warming up in Rick's Cafe in the movie Casablanca ... As Time Goes By 23. Liquid from Munich?:  TEU TONIC WATER .  45. Faucet hardware from Stockholm?:  SWE DISH WASHER . 53. Ice cream treats from Manila?:  PHILIP PINE CONES . I couldn't see any particular connection between the in the language part of these phrases. Here's the grid ... Here's the rest ....

Thursday, September 26, 2024, Amie Walker, Wendy L. Brandes

We had a letter deletion theme a few weeks back, but this week our constructors Amie Walker and Wendy Brandes   delete 7 different letters in 7 starred theme clues, which together spell a common ingredient used in baking sweets.   The clue for each themer is for the word that results after a circled letter is removed from the actual fill for the themer, so the actual fill doesn't match the clue .  Thus you'll need one of the down perps to get the actual fill. Got that ?    I'm sure that this theme will not bring joy to all of our solvers but I thought it was rather clever 😀.  To get a heads up on what the word might be, you could start by solving 4D .   Here are the clues and fill followed by the word implied by the clue ... 16A. *Medical breakthrough:  CUR V E . CURE . 18A. *Many a spammer:  BO A T . BOT , as in an app for sending email spam to a distribution list. 38A. *Bae: BOO N . BOO ....