Thursday, February 6, 2025, Keegan Edgar

Dress Codes Today's constructor Keegan Edgar is making his LAT debut (his constructor debut anywhere I think), and he wants to know why people who perform certain services are such conformists when it comes to their garb ... 20A. Court garb: TENNIS WHITES . These people don't wear robes, but they do serve. So why do tennis players wear white -- at least on the poncier courts? Turns out it's a Victorian thing . Serena Williams Wimbledon 2012 29A. Naval garb: SAILOR SUITS . Actually SAILOR SUITS are for Halloween parties😀. The Navy calls their garb uniforms (but Keegan had room for only 5 letters), and the US Navy is pretty strict about the uniforms of those who serve in them Two Sailors in Dress Whites Fleet Week in New York 47A. Restaurant garb: W...