
Showing posts from January, 2025

Thursday, February 6, 2025, Keegan Edgar

Dress Codes Today's constructor Keegan Edgar is making his LAT debut (his constructor debut anywhere I think), and he wants to know why people who perform certain services are such conformists when it comes to their garb ...   20A. Court garb:  TENNIS WHITES .  These people don't wear robes, but they do serve. So why do tennis players wear white -- at least on the poncier courts?   Turns out it's a Victorian thing . Serena Williams Wimbledon 2012 29A. Naval garb:  SAILOR SUITS .  Actually SAILOR SUITS are for Halloween parties😀. The Navy calls their garb  uniforms  (but Keegan had room for only 5 letters), and  the US Navy is pretty strict about the uniforms of those who serve in them   Two Sailors in Dress Whites Fleet Week in New York 47A. Restaurant garb:  W...

Thursday, January 30, 2025, Zachary David Levy

Missing the Point Today's constructor (and neurosurgeon) Dr. Zachary David Levy , presents us with 3 three theme clues filled by two word metaphors ... 17A. Complicated and potentially sensitive subjects:  THORNY QUESTIONS . 28A. Shrewd one:  SHARP COOKIE . 46A. Fruity drink with a kick:  SPIKED PUNCH . ... and this reveal ... 60A. Failing to grasp the obvious, maybe, and what 17-, 28-, and 46-Across are?:  MISSING THE POINT .  The reveal was not at all obvious to me and I consulted 2 other other Cornerites before Malodorous Manatee came up with a plausible and quite subtle interpretation -- the reveal is a meta clue: "All three answers contain an element of sharpness (thorn, sharp, spike - things that can jab/stab someone) but they are idioms that do not, in and of themselves, have anything to do with being jabbed/stabbed (difficult, smart, laced with alcohol). so they are missing the point ."  Thank you Joseph ! Here's the grid ...   Here's the ...

Thursday, January 23, 2025, Zhoughin Burnikel

  Questionable Clues?     Today C.C. clues her puzzle themers with 5 one-word punny questions (3 across and 2 down), each ending with "words?" and then fills them with an idiomatic or in the language phrase ... 17A. Keywords?:  OPEN SESAME .   This phrase entered the Western world from an Arabic folk tale   Ali Baba and the 40 thieves , about a poor woodcutter who discovers the secret treasure of a thieves' den, overhears them, and enters with the magic phrase "open sesame", the key to opening the cave.  Here's a cartoon summary of the story ... 39A. Crosswords?:  I SAID NO .  A phrase often said by cross parents when talking to a disappointed child. 62A. Safewords?:  JUST IN CASE .  A phrase indicating that you're not taking any chances. 11D. Catchwords?:  ROGER THAT .  A phrase used in military, CB radio, and airline communications to acknowledge successful receipt of a message -- do ...