
Showing posts from February, 2025

Thursday, March 6, 2025, Adam Simpson

 Is There an Echo in Here? Today's constructor is Adam Simpson who has appeared in the New York Times , and here on Saturday November 5, 2022 , reviewed by Husker Gary.  His simple theme answers today sound the same at the beginning and the end ... 20A. Arm of the North Atlantic Ocean:  CARIBBEAN SEA .  I'm sorry I couldn't find an up-to-date version of this map.😀   28A Chakra associated with higher consciousness:  INNER EYE .    Chakra is a Sanskrit term denoting one of the various focal points used in a variety of ancient Hindu or Buddhist meditation practices. The INNER EYE is also called the "Mind's eye" or the "Third eye".     Here's a Western-oriented beginner's guide from Healthline .   The Seven Chakras  36A Perfect for no one else:  UNIQUELY YOU .  This might have been clued as "Bespoke"  48A Crude nickname:  TEXAS TEA .  "Crude" as in crude oil.  It may also refer t...

Thursday, February 27, 2025, Doug Peterson

  Loosely Come Dancing Constructor Doug Peterson brings the muse Terpsichore to our puzzle today with a theme about dancing, one of the most widely practiced of the arts.  We opened with a tango competition from the British show Strictly Come Dancing and we'll end up with looser version of the genre with a good 'ole Rock and Roll dance. Here are our themers ... 18A. *Chimp aboard a rocket, say:  SPACE MONKEY . 24A. *Entertainment systems sold with controllers:  GAME CONSOLES . 40A. *Storage area in a dashboard:  GLOVE COMPARTMENT . 55. *Garage employee:  AUTO MECHANIC . ... and what these clues have in common is revealed by a ... 65A. Kinks hit about the local palais, and what can be found in the answers to the starred clues?:  COME DANCING.  ... ... and as we can see from the grid, unlike our dance contest in the splash video, Doug has the word  COME   loosely   DANCING through the 4 theme clues ... Here's the rest ... Acr...

Thursday, February 20, 2025, Amie Walker & Geoffrey Schorkopf

Food Trucks Washington, D.C. Mall Today's constructors Amie Walker and Geoffrey Schorkopf have dished up a tasty puzzle with 4 themers and a reveal that I think you'll concede is pretty straightforward (for a change!) ...   17. Menu icon that resembles a patty in a bun:  HAMBURGER BUTTON .  A hamburger button , so named for its unintentional resemblance to a hamburger, is a button typically placed in a top corner of a graphical user interface. Its function is to toggle a menu  or navigation bar between being collapsed behind the button or displayed on the screen.  This reminds me a little of the trigrams comprising the hexagrams of the Chinese book of divination known as the I Ching , but that's a different kind of puzzle. 😀 23. Red-and-white pattern:  CANDY STRIPE .  The pattern on the traditional dresses worn by young hospital volunteers.  One of...