Tuesday, June 28, 2022, Taylor Johnson
Younger Cornerites, those of you who get your tunes from Spotify, Apple Music, or the ever edgy Pandora (I wouldn't open it if I were you!) may not have heard of the hipster who is the subject of today's theme. But for those of us of a certain age, music was streamed over the radio or at a sock hop by an R&R impresario known as the
He accomplishes this through 2 pairs of two-word themers. The first pair consists of an Across and a Down clue, each word beginning with the letters D and J respectively:
17A. *"Let me enjoy my guilty pleasures!":
JUDGE. I'm sure many of our parents heard words to that effect from us when
we were listening to rock and roll.
30D. *Move that
captures two checkers:
JUMP. As the Spotify generation may not have ever played this game,
here are the rules.
... and just to mix things up, the second pair of themers consists of an Across and a
Down clue, each word beginning with the letters
J and
D respectively:
63A. *"Feelin' fine!":
DANDY. "Candy's dandy, but liquor's quicker!". Another phrase often
heard during the DJ era.
11D. *Fruity treat often
dusted with powdered sugar:
DO-NUT. A favorite food of the "Boys in Blue" and maybe a clecho to
Here's the grid:
Here's the rest of the word mix ...
1. "Nope": UH UH.
5. Pointers: TIPS. I wanted dogs.
9. City in northwest Missouri, informally: ST JOE. St. Joseph, Missouri was named after the town's founder Joseph Robidoux and the biblical Saint Joseph. St. Joseph is home to Missouri Western State University. It is the birthplace of 20th-century rapper and songwriter Eminem, but who grew up in and has made his career in Detroit, Michigan. In the nineteenth century, it was the death place of American hero Jesse James (a "dirty little coward" didn't quite see him quite that way). It was also the starting point of the Pony Express serving the West.
14. Kind: SORT. Oh, THAT kinda SORT.
15. Words after count or sleep: ON IT. After plugging away at a Saturday crossword early in the morning, sometimes I have to SLEEP ON IT before I can finish, but I can't always COUNT ON IT, because the puzzle's usually pretty wrinkly by the time I get up.
16. Sports complex: ARENA.
19. Shouts: YELLS.
20. Website revenue source: AD SPACE. Space on a web page reserved for ads. Somebody has to pay for all of those web developers and it turns out to be us..
21. Director Craven: WES. Wesley Earl Craven (August 2, 1939 – August 30, 2015) was an American film director, screenwriter, producer, actor, and editor. Due to the cultural impact and influence of his work, Craven has commonly been recognized as one of the greatest masters of the horror genre. I have not seen any of his films, but I understand that he's a scary guy. He doesn't look very scary here though:
Wes Craven 2010 |
23. Chemical in potent drain cleaners: LYE. Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH), used not only for cleaning drains but for soap making. My plumber tells me that LYE based drain cleaners corrode not only the goop in your drains, but also the pipes themselves, both metal and PVC. He recommends an enzymatic cleaner, however it's a lot more expensive.
24. Ankle-length skirt: MAXI. It turns out that the selection, care, and filling out of MAXI dresses can be very confusing. Here's some help.
Maxi Dress |
28. Contributes: ADDS IN.
32. Ready to go trick-or-treating, say: MASKED UP. Or ready for a Masquerade Ball, say. Here's a mask our son brought us back from a trip to Venice, Italy after college:
And here is The Vision Dance Co. performing a Masquerade Ball years later in that same city:
36. Figure of speech: TROPE. Isn't this what constructors do? Is this really a Tropeword Puzzle?
37. Ginger __: ALE. There is also Ginger BEER. What's the difference?
38. Love who co-hosted "The Real": LONI. Loni Love (born July 14, 1971) is an American comedian, television host, actress, author, and former electrical engineer. Here's the real deal on The Real. And here's LONI:
Loni Love |
39. Pixar film about a jazz pianist: SOUL. Soul is a 2020 American computer-animated comedy-drama film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. In this clip jazz pianist Joe Gardner (Jamie Foxx) zones out during a pickup jam session, and leaves it to quickly find himself in an even stranger zone, where people go to get their personalities before birth:
42. Little cut: SNIP. The above grid, as well as some of the other images were created with the utility SNIP and SKETCH.
43. Idris of "The Wire": ELBA. This award winning series, starring English actor Idris Elba, was filmed in my hometown. I've never seen it because we don't subscribe to HBO, but more importantly because it has contributed to making Baltimore THE icon for THE dysfunctional American city. As if it doesn't have plenty of competition. Here are some zingers from the series (trigger warning - life is not pretty out on the streets):
44. "Insecure" star Issa: RAE. Jo-Issa Rae Diop (born January 12, 1985), credited professionally as Issa Rae, is an American actress, writer, producer, and comedian. Rae first garnered attention for her work on the YouTube web series Awkward Black Girl. Since 2011, Rae has continued to develop her YouTube channel, which features various short films, web series, and other content created by black people. She was married just last year to Louis Diame in the South of France:
Issa Rae 2021 |
46. Elite athletes: ALL STARS.
48. Moderate gallop: CANTER. Here's a short video of my granddaughter learning how to CANTER on a horse.
49. Website with tutorials: EHOW. See 24A for an EHOW on MAXI dresses.
50. Overly confident: SMUG.
52. JFK successor: LBJ. Lyndon Baines Johnson (August 27, 1908 – January 22, 1973), often referred to by his initials LBJ, was an Texas politician who served as the 36th president of the United States from 1963 to 1969, assuming that position after the assassination of John F. Kennedy on November 22nd, 1963.
Lyndon Baines Johnson |
54. Chicken __ king: ALA.
56. "Suppose so": I RECKON. What LBJ said to JFK when the latter asked the former to to be his running mate.
61. Minestrone and chowder: SOUPS.
65. Allow to enter: ADMIT.
66. Italian bubbly: ASTI.
67. Apollo project destination: MOON. On May 25, 1961, President John F. Kennedy announced to a special joint session of Congress the goal of sending a man to the Moon before the end of the decade, thus launching the Apollo Program. LBJ is on the left behind JFK. I'm not sure but I believe the fellow to the right is John W. McCormick, then Speaker of the House.
The Decision to Go to the Moon |
69. Sunbeams: RAYS. A CSO to Ray - O.
70. Humble reply to a compliment: I TRY. I TRY and a lot of my friends say, "Yes, you're very TRYING!" 😀
1. Organic certifying gp.: USDA. Growing organic food is no longer a niche industry, but one that is rapidly growing. Here's a place to start if you're considering becoming an organic grower.
2. Parka feature: HOOD.
3. Footed vases: URNS. The most storied of these is the Sosibios Vase, the subject of poet John Keats' famous ODE. Looks a little wobbly to me:
Sosibios Vase |
4. URL intro: HTTP. As I blogged the same clue and fill less than a week ago, I refer you to clue 61A of my June 23rd review.
5. Bird on Froot Loops boxes: TOUCAN. Kellogg Company recently announced that it will split into three companies, thus anything I say about FROOT (sic) LOOPS may quickly become obsolete. But it sounds like the TOUCAN, the product's iconic logo, will almost certainly survive its adoptive company. Its conservation status of Least Concern is actually benefiting from the ongoing deforestation of the Amazon basin, due to the bird's preference for open areas.
Toucan |
7. Swine: PIG. After the Three Little Pigs, the second most favorite swine is Babe, the sheep herder.
8. Hearty bowlful: STEW. I think maybe the Goose in Babe might have ended up in one.
9. Gives permission: SAYS OK.
10. Three, in Italian: TRE.
12. "This is __ a test": ONLY. They used to say that to us in the 6th Grade when we had to duck under our desks. Too many times of late, it has not been a test.
13. Loosen (up): EASE.
18. Foxx who voices the pianist in 39-Across: JAMIE. He plays Joe Gardner.
22. English county on the North Sea: ESSEX. Essex is a county in the East of England. One of the home counties, it borders Suffolk and Cambridgeshire to the north, the North Sea to the east, Hertfordshire to the west, Kent across the estuary of the River Thames to the south, and Greater London to the south and south-west. Sounds like it's surrounded.
Essex County, England |
25. 11-Down eater's dismayed cry: IM A MESS. DO NOT eat JELLY DO-NUTS without a NAPKIN!
27. Country singer Willie: NELSON. Willie Hugh Nelson (born April 29, 1933) is an American musician, actor, and activist. He is considered by many to be the greatest Country singer of all time:
Willie Nelson |
Here he is, On the Road Again at the Grand Ole Opry (lyrics)
28. Gone fishing, say: AT SEA.
29. Dryly humorous: DROLL.
31. Frolic in the pool: SPLASH. Or a 1984 movie about a Mermaid:
33. "Always Be My Maybe" actress/writer Wong: ALI. Alexandra Dawn "Ali" Wong (born April 19, 1982) is an American comedian, actress, and writer. She is best known for her Netflix stand-up specials Baby Cobra (2016), Hard Knock Wife (2018), and Don Wong (2022). She starred in the film Always Be My Maybe (2019), on which she also served as a writer and producer. I reviewed several of her videos, and if you want to see one they can be had on YouTube; but I'm sorry to say that none passed Margaret Farrar's Sunday morning breakfast test. The link also has some relevance to other debates recently heard on the Corner.
Ali Wong |
35. Peter, the pickled-pepper picker: PIPER.
40. Feature of some Southern accents: DRAWL. The Deacon at my Church tells a story about when he was practicing Homiletics (sermonizing) in Seminary. His instructor had placed a 10 minute limit on the sermons, but Steve kept running over, and finally he was called out for it. "But professor", Steve said, "it really is a ten minute sermon, but I'm from Hopewell, Virginia and we just talk slower down there".
41. Pickle container: JAR. Where Peter kept his pickled-peppers.
45. Threw a tantrum: RAGED.
47. Browns lightly: TOASTS.
48. Mayfield of R&B: CURTIS. Curtis Lee Mayfield (3 June 1942 – 26 December 1999) was an American singer-songwriter, guitarist, and record producer, and one of the most influential musicians behind soul and politically conscious African-American music. He first achieved success and recognition with the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame-inducted group The Impressions during the civil rights movement of the late 1950s and the 1960s, and later worked as a solo artist.
Curtis Mayfield |
Here's a shorter version released on a single (2:46 min) (no lyrics)
51. A bit foggy: MISTY. A not at all foggy CSO to our Misty.
52. Future atty.'s exam: LSAT.
53. __ language: BODY. Body language is a type of communication in which physical behaviors, as opposed to words, are used to express or convey the information. Such behavior includes facial expressions, body posture, gestures, eye movement, touch, and the use of space. Strictly speaking it is not really a language, as it doesn't have a formal grammar, and it is subject to interpretation. The "language" suffix is modern, having been added by popular culture. But body language has been around for a long time:
The Tiff Frances Carlyle, 1902 |
55. Slightly open: AJAR. "When is a door not a door"? "When it's a pickle container!"
57. Sleeveless top, for short: CAMI. We had this last Wednesday and it's back by popular demand.
OOPS! I almost completely forgot! Today is Tuesday and Hahtoolah will be back soon. What will she ever think!?
58. Pretzel shape: KNOT.
59. Stench: ODOR.
60. Pt. of a B'way address: NY NY.
62. __ chart: PIE.
64. Mex. neighbor: USA. Sorry, I couldn't find any cartoons on Mexico and its neighbor to the North sans politics.
And finally my thanks to our constructor for his puzzle mix:
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